A centralized filtration plant? No, thank you!


From 10 to 12 thousand machines produced per year, 600 employees, 24,000 m2 of covered production structure and the control of 65% of the world market for circular machines for caltiffs. These are sufficient few data to convey the industrial importance of Lonati spa, a historic company in Brescia founded over sixty years ago by the knight Francesco Lonati and today at the center of a business group active in numerous sectors.

These important results have been achieved by the Brescia company thanks to a process of continuous improvement and innovation of its machines and technologies, confirmed also by the high share of exports achieved (as much as 85%).

In order to guarantee the highest quality in production and the defense of this valuable know-how, Lonati realizes almost all the mechanical details of its machines, using External manufacturers only to handle work spikes and to make certain parts such as, for example, crankcase and pneumatics.

Lo stabilimento Lonati di Brescia, e parallelamente anche il ciclo produttivo, è diviso in tre parti che rappresentano le tre macrofamiglie
di macchine realizzate dall’azienda bresciana (monocilindro per ca

The Lonati plant in Brescia, and in parallel with the production cycle, is divided into three parts representing the three macrofamilies of machines made by the Brescia company (single cylinder for women’s socks, single cylinder for men’s socks and double cylinder for men’s socks) depending on the type of socks to be produced. “Everything is born in the Experience Rooms.

Roberto Pasotti explains, Lonati’s maintenance, environment and safety manager, where the machine is designed to suit the customer’s needs and then be assembled in line, like an automobile.

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Marketing AR Filtrazioni

Siamo esperti nel mondo delle soluzioni di filtrazione dell'aria. Con una profonda conoscenza tecnica e un tocco creativo, condividiamo le ultime innovazioni nel settore di filtrazione dell'aria, con informazioni tecniche approfondite e consigli pratici per garantire un ambiente più salubre attraverso le avanzate soluzioni di AR Filtrazioni.